Khas Press is India’s independent online media & news, polling and blogging entity. It was founded in January 2018. It will expand it to other areas like video, digital ground reporting, live news etc.
We are planning to reach remote rural areas in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi and soon expanding to other states too, motive is to make it Khas Media in our country.
To provide information about health, education, science and sport to rural communities and inspiring stories from rural areas or rural Role Models.
Our aim is to build the largest online media entity across the country in multiple languages which has capability to demonstrate and to provide solution, resolving issues and bridging the knowledge gap which can be seen currently as a visible issue which is facing by rural’s of India.
To search and find out the rural talent in field of Media and Articles.
There are many rural talent who have much talalent to write stories and articles but lack of resourses they are not able to show their talant.
Khas Press is ready to help & strengthen rural talent, communities, creators and distribution of public interest information to the everyone at a large scale using digital, social and mass media due to which we can bring proper awareness and public understanding on issues.